Russian motors

Gas turbine engine AL-31ST

AL-31ST gas turbine engine

AL-31ST gas turbine engine for driving the centrifugal supercharger of a gas pumping unit.

Technical characteristics

Rated power (at the power turbine shaft) 16 MW
Electrical efficiency 36%
Air flow at engine inlet 64.5 kg/s
Fuel natural gas according to GOST 29328
Temperature of combustion products of the fuel mixture at the outlet of the power turbine, 490°C
Fuel gas consumption 4,775 kg/h
Assigned resource of gas generator and power turbine modules 125,000 h
Emission level of harmful substances:
• nitric oxide / nitric oxide at the first stage is allowed, no more 150 ppm
• carbon monoxide, no more 300 ppm

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Gas turbine engine AL-31ST
Russian motors2025-02-2000:00Rating: 5
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