Russian motors

Gas turbine unit GTES-2.5

Gas turbine unit GTES-2.5

GTES-2.5 is designed to provide heat and electricity to industrial and household consumers, as well as oil and gas production facilities. The station can operate in a simple cycle (electricity generation). In combination with a water heat recovery boiler, GTES-2.5 operates in a cogeneration cycle with combined generation of electricity and heat, and with a steam recovery boiler - in a combined cycle.

The gas turbine engine DO49R (PJSC UEC-Saturn) is used as a drive.

Technical characteristics

Drive UP TO 49R
Drive manufacturer PJSC "UEC-Saturn"
Rated power 2.5 MW?
Voltage at TG terminals 6.3/10.5 kV
Efficiency at generator terminals (station conditions) 25.5%
Fuel utilization factor (cogeneration) 79.5%
Fuel gas consumption at nominal mode 850 kg/h
Between repairs 20,000 h
Assigned resource 120,000 h


GTES-2.5 is designed to provide heat and electricity to industrial and household consumers, as well as oil and gas production facilities.

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Gas turbine unit GTES-2.5
Russian motors2025-02-2000:00Rating: 5
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