Russian motors

Engine PD-8

PD-8 engine

Maintenance power plant (including a turbofan engine, an engine nacelle with a thrust reverser device, and attachments) for regional passenger aircraft with a capacity of 90-110 passengers.

Technical characteristics

Thrust at maximum takeoff 8,056 kgf
Thrust in normal takeoff mode 7477 kgf
Bypass ratio 4,4
Total pressure increase ratio 28
Specific fuel consumption at cruising mode 0.61 kg/kgf hour
Fan diameter 1 228 mm
Length (with mixer) 3,589 mm
Engine weight with engine nacelle 2,300 kg
Resource by technical condition


  • Reduced operating costs compared to analogues.
  • Compliance with current and future environmental requirements of ICAO.
  • Comprehensive customer support and service system.


  • Russian short-haul aircraft SJ-100
  • Be-200 amphibious aircraft

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Engine PD-8
Russian motors2025-02-2000:00Rating: 5
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