Russian motors

Engine SaM146

SaM146 engine

Integrated power plant, including a turbofan engine, engine nacelle with a thrust reverser, and attachments.

The developer and manufacturer of the SaM146 power plant is PowerJet (a 50/50 joint venture between SAFRAN Aircraft Engines and PJSC UEC-Saturn).

Technical characteristics

Engine thrust during takeoff 6,980–7,900 kgf
Specific fuel consumption at cruising mode 0.63 kg/kgf h
Dry weight 1,708 kg
Resource by technical condition


  • High reliability of scheduled departure (more than 99.9%).
  • Comprehensive customer support and service system.
  • Compliance with current and future environmental requirements of ICAO.
  • EASA and AP MAK type certificate.


Sukhoi Superjet 100 is a Russian narrow-body short-haul regional passenger aircraft designed to carry from 87 to 108 passengers over a range of 3,050 or 4,600 km. Developed by Sukhoi Civil Aircraft with the participation of a number of foreign companies.

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Engine SaM146
Russian motors2025-02-2000:00Rating: 5
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