Russian motors

Digital twin of the engine

A digital twin is a learning system consisting of mathematical models of varying complexity and refined based on the results of full-scale experiments. It allows you to obtain the first full-scale sample that meets the requirements of the technical specifications, and also reliably predicts its behavior throughout its entire life cycle. It is the concept of a digital twin that allows us to provide a systematic approach to engine development, as well as connect different levels of components and the power plant as a whole, and find optimal combinations of component parameters. UEC has already implemented projects to create a digital twin of the TV7-117ST and AI-222-25 aircraft engines. Digital twin technologies ensured the successful completion of the first stage of testing of the experimental gas generator of the new PD-8 aircraft engine and the processing of the results. A project has been launched to create a digital twin of a marine engine and gearbox as part of the unit.

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Digital twin of the engine
Russian motors2025-02-2000:00Rating: 5
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